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We offer Part payment, direct payment and invoice payment through Payson for swedish customers and also Direct Bank Transfer.
About PaysonFaktura
We offer the payment method “PaysonFaktura” in cooperation with Payson AB.
Payment terms are 14 days and at invoice purchases a fee of 0 kr.
To be able to order an invoice, you must be 18 years old and be registered in Sweden and approved in the credit test performed at the time of purchase. Alternatively one represents a Company registered in Sweden and approved in the credit test performed at the time of purchase. The invoice will be sent separately by e-mail to the e-mail address you specify at the time of purchase. In case of late payment, a payment reminder will be sent, whereby statutory reminder fee of currently SEK 60 will be added. We also charge late payment by 2% per month from the due date of the invoice. In the event of non-payment, the case will be filed with a debt collector with a statutory collection fee of currently 180 SEK. Payson reserves the right to refuse delivery on a case-by-case basis and review the creditor’s creditworthiness. More information and full terms can be found here:
Information about right of withdrawal
Under the Distribution and Home Sales Act, you as a consumer (this does not apply to companies) have the right to withdraw the agreement by notifying us within 14 days of receipt of the goods. In order for you to use your right of withdrawal, you must return the item in undamaged condition, in original packaging. When using the right of withdrawal, you are responsible for the return.
Information about mortgages
Upon payment with PaysonFaktura, the invoice will be pledged to Payson and then to SVEA Ekonomi AB, 556489-2924.